Jewish Studies


Today I am going to tell you what I have learned this past term in Jewish Studies. I learned about baby naming, brit Milah, Pidyon Haben, and Shalom Zachar.

Baby girls often receive their name after the Torah is read at the synagogue. The rabbi recites a prayer for the health of the mother and child and the name is announced. I do believe that a name is important because that is what everybody calls you. A boy is named at his brit milah, which leads me to the next thing I learned about.

A Brit Milah is when he becomes part of a covenant with Abraham and G-d. A Brit Milah will typically happen when the baby boy is 8 days old, but if this can’t happen then this will be performed later. Now there’s 1  more thing the baby boys have to do, a Pidyon Haben.

A Pidyon Haben is when the parents have to give 5 silver coins to a cohen to redeem themselves because people worshipped a golden calf when Moses was getting the 2 tablets.

Shalom Zachar festive meal that takes place the first Friday night after a baby boy is born. 

I am now going to show you my mishpacha project

Click this link

I learned that my family was from London and Russia. I also learned that my grandmas, grandma was a seamstress for the Canadian Army. Next time I would have added more information.

Thank you for reading!