

Koalas live in Australia. Koalas are marsupials. Koalas are solitary animals.  Koalas 🐨 eat eucalyptus leaves and spend most of the time munching on the leaves. How many hours do koalas sleep 💤 each day? Usually koalas sleep between 18 to 22 hours. There are fewer Koalas because their homes are getting destroyed. Koalas communicate by sniffing noses.                         

Baby koala and mommy koala

A baby koala is called a Joey. Did you know that the mommy koala has a pouch to carry her baby just like possums and kangaroos. A newborn koala looks like a pink jelly bean.  At about 5 or 6 months old, the baby koala crawls out of the pouch and takes a look at the world for the first time.  After the joey takes a look at the world the Joey climbs on to it’s mother’s back. The baby koala will stay on the mom’s back until the mom koala kicks it out of the house around the time he or she is about 1 year old. A male koala does not stay with the Joey koala, so a mommy koala has to do all the work to take care of the Joey koala.


Koalas habitats

Koalas habitats are in serious danger. In Australia, that’s where the most bushfires are. A lot of the animals died in the big bushfire in 2019. However, they saved a lot of koalas. There are a lot of bushfires in Australia, so the koalas habitats are getting destroyed.

Male koala

Male koalas have a brown spot on their chest. That is one of the ways to tell if it’s a boy or a girl. A male koala is called a buck. Two male koalas will fight in competition for a female. Females and young males have a plain white chest.

Green ants

Green ants are very bad. Green ants have venom inside them. The good thing is, they only live in Australia. The bad thing is, koalas live in Australia and the green ants cause them a lot of pain. First they make a bridge on to the koala, then they crawl up to the koala’s eyes then bite their eyes. It’s hard for them to see after. They need to take special medicine to heal them. Their eyes look a little green and red after the ants bite them. 

My koala craft

I remembered that I had a little koala stuffie. So I decided to make a craft. I found 2 broken pencils, I painted them brown, my dad made the top of them flat with his hand saw. Then I glued them to cardboard that I painted brown. I took green felt and used it as the tree leaves. The last thing I did was attach the koalas on. Here’s a picture.

3 thoughts on “Koalas

  1. Hi Raisa
    I like the pictures of the koala they are so cute the mommy koala bear is really tiered after taking care of the baby koala .
    From Abby

  2. Hi Raisa your part about the habitat’s fire is heartbreaking🥺 but
    I ❤️ the fabric project. you are SOO talented!! just want to say a little more righting thx

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